The Plot
This original Netflix series follows Grace (Jane Fonda), a retired cosmetics mogul, and Frankie (Lily Tomlin), a hippie art teacher, whose husbands, Robert (Martin Sheen) and Sol (Sam Waterston) have a successful 20-year law partnership specializing in divorce. Grace and Frankie’s lives are turned upside down when Robert and Sol announce that they are in love with each other and are leaving their wives. Now, the women, who have never particularly liked each other, are forced to live together and support each other as they navigate the next chapter of their lives.
Recent Emmy Award Nomination
2018 Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series – Lily Tomlin, as Frankie. This was her 25th Emmy nomination with six previous wins.
2017 Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series – Lily Tomlin, as Frankie. This was her 24th Emmy nomination with six previous wins.
2016 Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series – Lily Tomlin, as Frankie. This was her 23rd Emmy nomination with six previous wins.
2015 Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series – Lily Tomlin, as Frankie. This was her 22nd Emmy nomination with six previous wins.
Previous Emmy Award Wins
1981 Lily: Sold Out
1974 Lily (Outstanding Special, and Best Writing)
Press for Grace and Frankie
LA Times “The Envelope Emmy Nods”
Here and Now “Having Fun”